Building a reliable, accessible and transparent dispatching system for the communal infrastructure of a modern city is a complex and urgent task. One of the brightest and most effective examples from the point of view of energy and resource saving is the implementation of the heat supply dispatching system of a large city. The construction of such a system for the entire city allows not only to quickly respond to equipment malfunctions, conveniently collect data on consumed heat and identify weak areas of heat networks, but also to optimize the distribution of the load on the repair services of the enterprise responsible for the operation of the system, to reduce the costs of their transportation when increasing the speed of response to calls.
The implementation of such a task in the
regional center’s heat and power utility enterprise was solved by integrating
and clustering individual dispatching subsystems, which provided for local data
collection in one’s own neighborhood and data transmission in each case to a
separate client dispatcher’s control unit. Clustering of the system made it
possible to reduce the hardware costs of the central (city) dispatcher’s APM.
The global multi-cluster project of the dispatching system allows you to
provide a single unified operator interface, group alarms, trends, parameters
of reports from the projects of individual clusters while simultaneously
maintaining the availability of the server part and the ability to tactically
control the heat supply of individual neighborhoods from the operator’s